i think i am the most qualified person to answer this question. the following is my work and immigration story.
i am a chief designer of high-speed train traction transformer with 10 years of work experience. my annual income in a third tier city is about 50000 dollars. i live freely without pressure. a good meal in a restaurant costs only $3, a taxi costs $0.2 per kilometer, a haircut costs $3, a massage costs $10 an hour, an apartment with three bedrooms and one living room costs about $70000, and the electricity charge is $0.06/kwh. there is no need to worry about daily life.
i never thought i would lose this job. the railway industry is booming and there are a lot of jobs in the market.
the management is extremely corrupt. the fuse was my anger at the new managers request that i provide an untested transformer to the customer. he only cares about his performance, while i demand to adhere to safety and quality first, and have an open debate with him. i won, but the big boss still insisted that he stay. i finally woke up and knew it was time to leave.
at the crossroads of life, a friends post on wechat caught my eye. why not try different environments and create different lives? australia is known as a paradise for immigrants. it should be good to live there.
in january 2018, i arrived in melbourne with a permanent residence visa. melbournes international culture, amazing scenery, blue sky and quiet suburbs give me a good view.
then i found a job as a railway engineer, bought a house, gave birth to a child, made friends with local people, and began to integrate into australia. one year passed.
due to the high cost of moving in and out, i will still stay in australia for some time. the difference is that i began to dream of making contributions to china again and preparing for my return.
as for the economy and living standard, i think these differences are quite subjective. chinas economic opportunities seem to be unlimited. a large number of giant ships leave chinese ports with products, and then these giant ships sail back to china with cash (metaphor); when i return to canada, i will buy gifts for my chinese friends, but it is difficult for me to find things not made in china. the business in china is very active, but doing business in china seems like swimming with sharks. the competition is too fierce. hmm... this is different from the business environment in the west.
a person must build a very complex social relationship structure in china and work hard, which i think i can never do. it seems that foreigners can never become de facto chinese in china, while chinese can become formal citizens of western countries. therefore, chinese people have an advantage in immigration. personally, i can see that i am very happy in china... but at present, it seems that it is almost impossible to achieve full de facto citizenship.
many comments mentioned that students face too much pressure from the education system. on this point, i have to agree. in my opinion, this may be very demanding and competitive. as a teacher, i looked at my chinese students and couldnt imagine how long they would collapse if my western students studied here.
i hope that china will continue to develop and will not adopt some unfair methods in western society. china has the opportunity to surpass all countries in all aspects... if they do, i think the world can benefit from their eventual rise.
then we will all knock at the door and ask to immigrate to china.
中国网友tuz liu的回答
forty years ago, when the chinese acrobatic troupe or dance troupe visited canada, the united states and other countries, the tourism manager would hold everyones passport, fearing that the chinese actors would leave. even so, many actors stayed. in a special story i heard, the entire troupe once disappeared after performing abroad.
twenty years ago, almost all chinese students who could study in western countries would stay in the country, even if it meant illegal residence. many chinese doctors and engineers of that era chose to do humble work in the west rather than return to china.
then, about 10 years ago, chinese students began to choose to return home. in just a few years, this model has changed from most students staying in the west to most students returning to china. when my wife graduated, she was the only one who stayed in canada among her dozen chinese students. everyone else returned to china. some leave immediately after graduation, while others stay for several years.
this means that china is developing vigorously, which means that china has gone through a hard process from extreme poverty decades ago to almost no gap with the west. even so, china has not yet been completely equal to the west, so there are still many chinese people who want to live in the west.
what i hope the west can understand is that we have done well in china, and we are living a normal life like all other peaceful countries. china is a normal country and should not be demonized. however, for me, immigration is just a choice of lifestyle: i dont want to work until midnight every day, i dont want to sacrifice my vacation, i hope everything around me can be slower, and i hope my children can get rid of the high-pressure childhood like us.
for me, choosing which country i want to stay in is a very difficult choice. in addition to all the negative factors i just mentioned, china is still my home and it is still an amazing place. i have cultural ties here, not to mention my family, friends, midnight shopping center, food, etc.
i know, i know, china is not the greatest place in the world, and there are still many problems to be solved. but it is certainly moving in a promising direction.
the data show that this is not the case. in the past few years, there have been waves of migration in china. however, in recent years, this wave of migration has declined. on the contrary, more and more chinese began to return to china.
for them, all kinds of foreign incompatibilities make them unwilling to stay longer even if they have obtained the green card and permanent residency of the country. what are the reasons for their regret after emigration?
the most important reason may be cultural differences. this may be the problem that the first generation of chinese immigrants will encounter overseas. the culture and customs of different regions will collide, and there will always be differences. chinas millennium cultural heritage makes you feel incompatible with the surrounding environment. other people do not need to accept your color, but gradually, these chinese immigrants will feel social exclusion, even if they hold a green card as the first generation immigrants. you will not be a real local.
on the contrary, your words, thoughts and behaviors are still telling people around you that you are still chinese and you are incompatible with the environment here. they will also think that you are a foreigner who settled here, took their jobs, earned their money, and enjoyed their life. why are you an outsider here? take what belongs to them.
foreigners also have their own double standards. working abroad, few chinese can become senior managers. when there is a slight gap in business ability, foreigners are also willing to leave their senior positions to their own nationals. in the past, chinas economy was weak and discriminated against, but now china is rich and strong. chinas growth and development have created more employment opportunities. many foreigners also traveled across the sea to seek development opportunities in china.
those who go abroad may come back in a few years and find that their former friends and classmates are better than themselves. this country has more opportunities, and their money and life are not worse than their own. in addition, after these chinese immigrants arrive abroad, they find that the surrounding environment is likely to be different from what they imagined, and they may also encounter medical problems, childrens school environment problems, family problems and other situations.
中国香港网友kaylee tong的回答
going to a different place is an adventure for them. they want to meet new people and experience new activities. for many chinese and people from all over asia, they regard the west, especially the united states of america, as a land of freedom and prosperity.
this view is not always accurate, because many americans describe their motherland as a police country, and the cities are full of homeless people. but many asians still hold the mentality of "american dream".
if you have questions, you can visit american embassies and consulates in asian cities on an ordinary working day, and you will see a long queue of people applying for american visas. when i lived in seoul, south korea, from 2001 to 2007, even at the peak of anti american riots in 2003-2004, it was the same there.
therefore, it is not only the chinese who want to emigrate to the west. in addition, the united states and europe are good places for holidays and business trips. i suggest you go shopping in america, preferably in the holiday season after thanksgiving and before christmas.
american retailers are selling at deep discounts, but be prepared for long lines and crowded stores. americans like to buy gifts in december. at the same time, europe has a long and rich history, so the best time to go there is summer vacation, because the weather in most parts of the european continent is relatively mild.
in any case, more and more asians want to stay in their own countries, while other asians who emigrate to the west express their desire to return home. the asian economy has grown significantly, while the western economy has either been flat or slow. asias economic opportunities are booming, and we will see more capital flowing to the east.
"governments of developing countries in the asia pacific region are working hard to overcome poverty, lack of infrastructure and other major obstacles to catch up with other regions of the digital world. the digital transformation and the fourth industrial revolution across markets will replace existing jobs, and in this process, the distribution of jobs in various sectors will change significantly.
it is likely that in the future, more and more westerners will migrate to asia to find better jobs and business opportunities.